How to Protect Your Soul from Satan's Traps


How to Protect Your Soul from Satan's Traps

Allah ﷻ says in the Qur'an:

Iblis replied, "Because You have led me astray, I will surely sit in ambush for them on Your straight path. Then I will approach them from in front, behind, from their right, and from their left. And You will not find most of them grateful."
(QS. Al-A'raf 7:16-17)

In moments of solitude, whether your heart is heavy with sadness due to failed business ventures or brimming with joy from financial success, remember that there is always someone plotting plans A and B within our hearts.

Some may find peace by performing ablution, praying, and reading the Qur'an. However, many are tempted to pick up their smartphones, always within arm’s reach, or browse the internet on their laptops. Often, they end up on Islamic websites filled with educational content.

As the browsing continues—perhaps from nature and environmental sites to those showcasing the beauty of rural and urban landscapes—suddenly, an advertisement appears. An image or video, tempting and inappropriate, catches the eye.

A subtle whisper creeps in: “Just take a look, it will ease your troubled heart,” it suggests. “It’s harmless, just for a moment.”

The whispers persist: “You’re just passing the time.” But then another voice warns, “Don’t... that image is not appropriate. It will only lead you to sin.”

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

"There is none among you but a companion (qareen) from the jinn and a companion from the angels is assigned to him." The companions asked, "Even you, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Even me, but Allah has helped me against him, so he became Muslim, and he only whispers good to me."
(HR. Muslim)

Have we truly realized what happens to us during these moments? How often have we fallen prey to the devil’s whispers, especially when we are alone or in secluded places?

Allah ﷻ warns:

O you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Whoever follows the footsteps of Satan should know that he indeed commands shameful and wicked deeds.
(QS. An-Nur 24:21)

Recognize that these harmful suggestions are, in reality, the whispers of the accursed Satan. Do you still feel safe from his temptations when you’re in isolation? Remember, we cannot see him, yet he observes us freely.

Allah ﷻ further states:

O you who believe, if you fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (to distinguish between right and wrong) and will remove from you your misdeeds and forgive your sins. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.
(QS. Al-Anfal 8:29)

Indeed, Satan keeps people preoccupied with past or future events, making them indulge in wishful thinking and take the wrong path. For instance, one might think, "If I do this, no one will know," or "If only things had happened differently, it wouldn't be this way."

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also said:

"If something (unfavorable) befalls you, do not say, 'If only I had done this or that, it would have been different,' but instead say, 'Qadarullah wa ma shaa’a fa’ala' (It is the decree of Allah, and He does whatever He wills), for 'if only' opens the door to Satan’s actions."
(HR. Muslim)

Let us sincerely pray to Allah ﷻ to protect us from the whispers and deceptions of Satan, be they male or female, from the ranks of both jinn and humans.

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