Penjuluk Handal - In a groundbreaking archaeological revelation, a dedicated team of researchers has brought forth a captivating chapter of Pakistan's heritage: the Mohana tribe, an ancient people who, for generations, called the waterways their home. This unprecedented discovery offers a unique window into their distinct way of life, which centered around living on boats for centuries. Archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists have long been intrigued by the enigma of the Mohana tribe, known only through folklore and sporadic mentions in historical accounts. However, tangible evidence of their culture and lifestyle remained elusive until now. The Mohana tribe, thought to have inhabited the Indus River basin in what is present-day Pakistan, were renowned for navigating the region's intricate network of rivers, canals, and lakes using robust boats for both transportation and habitation. Their extraordinary lifestyle, deeply rooted in water-based traditions, remained conce...